Northern Uganda Self Sufficiency Project (NUSSP)


Agricultural works first season 2024

Agricultural works first season 2024 For our agricultural work in the first rainy season this year 2024, we cleared the field with the use of our tractor and planted corn. In another 9 acres plowed half of it will be soybeans and haft will be sunflowers to feed our pigs. These acreage will also give us food for both people in the community. We pray for the abundance of the seasonal weather and for the flourishing of our crops. Last year we lost 30 acres of corn filed due to flooding but this year seems like  it would be a different story. Thanks to all NUSSP supporters and please we ask you all to pray for our agricultural works.

Cornelious’s visit to Uganda

Cornelious’s visit to Uganda  It was a great joy to our community and the Diocese to receive our dear brother Cornelious from America who returned back home for his third visit to Uganda this February, 2024. His first visit to Uganda was with the President of  St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in 2017 and presided at Fr. Simon’s Church wedding and Cornelious was his best man “koumparos” in Greek. His second visit was with the OCMC seminarians team to Uganda for mission work in 2018. Cornelious during this visit stayed with Fr. Simon in his house for 3 weeks and was blessings to Fr. Simon’s family, Church, communities both in Acholi and Lango sub region. He brought with him Church Liturgical Books (Menaion, Octoechos and Pentecostarion) and others for the Church. He reconnected, interacted and was teaching the people how to use these books, chanting etc. We thank him and pray to God for him.

Second school semester started well

Second school semester started well We are so thankful first to God and to all our partners, friends, parents, teachers, and the students. We successfully ended the first semester of the school though with a lot of challenges especially to pay the staffs, buy school and office supplies, buy curriculum development materials, teachers and children guides etc. Despite all those we ended the semester and started this new semester well. Our students are so happy and grateful for getting the opportunity to be at school as this class here who learn under the mango tree says here in their poem tilled “School-a good place to be”.

Community join hands to welcome Father Simon back from his visit to America

Community join hands to welcome Father Simon back from his visit to America When Father Simon graduated from seminary and returned to Uganda in 2019, he started this community and build it up from nothing. He would visit the community 3 times a week and travel from his house on a dirt, narrow footpath road through deep potholes for 34 km. He established this community that have a strong relationship based on sincere love and trust. Now people work with him and share the love of Christ together with Father Simon. In 2024 when he visited US and returned, he received a very warm welcome by his community where they gathered and presented him with gifts 2 sheep, 2 goats, many chicken, beans, charcoal etc. It was a joyous day filled with happiness, peace and love. He shared with people about his visit to America and told them of the love the people of America has for them and he assured people of God’s love and presence with them at all times. He asked people to work hard for the Church, their families and community so that God can bless that area which was a war zone in the past.  Please continue to pray for the people, the growth and success of this community to become self sufficient.

New School, New Term, New Pupils

St. Catherine Nursery and Primary School welcomes its first pupils St. Catherine Nursery and Primary School started on 5th February 2024 with 38 learners. This school is located 33km from the town in a remote village with no better access road.K1 & K2 started under our Mango tree!  We are also preparing children for primary school to start next semester. These are 7-9 year old children who never entered any class in their lives and can’t go back to start from Kindergarten section. We hired two qualified teachers, but will need two more teachers for next semester. These learners sit on the mats and write on their laps. Those who don’t have writing materials write on the ground. 6 5 4 3 2 1   We have developed a proposal for building classrooms for the kindergarten and administration block—we will share this with you soon. There has been overwhelming support for the start of the school by the community and people in the community have started making bricks to build walls for the classroom as their contribution to the school construction work. The school shall be a day school for K and Primary. The students have breakfast (corn mixed in hot water with sugar as porridge), and lunch (beans and corn floor). Parents will contribute beans and corn from their fields to feed the children. Nicholas who has helped and volunteered for NUSSP after completing his diploma in accounting is once again volunteering for  the school as the accountant and registrar.